Who We Are

Fighting Cancer @ Berkeley Exec Board!

  • Ramanjot Bains


    3rd year undergraduate majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology & Education. I am interested in brain tumors, neuro-plasticity, and addressing healthcare and education disparities. I aim to foster a community that acknowledges the resilience of those impacted by cancer and create a positive club environment. In the future, I aim to explore the neuro-oncology speciality as a physician-scientist and work towards a future without cancer.

  • Hilary Lu


    3rd year undergraduate majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology. I am interested in neurobiology and vision science, specifically oculomotor dysfunction as well as translational research in amblyopia and strabismus. I hope to serve marginalized populations in my community and address disparities in health services. In the future, I intend to pursue an MD and further explore the neuro-ophthalmology specialty.

  • Adinath Lane

    VICE PRESIDENT EXTERNAL adinathlane@berkeley.edu

    2nd year undergraduate majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology & Public Health. I’m interested in the intersection of education and community health outcomes, particularly regarding stigmatization and prevention awareness. I would also love to explore the emerging field of immuno-oncology and the loss of immunogenicity in cancer cells. In the future, I aspire to attend medical school and work in a teaching or mentoring role.

  • Emily Tu


    3rd year undergraduate majoring in Public Health and Data Science. I am interested in combining NLP with healthcare to address challenges in healthcare delivery. My passions lie in improving the backend of healthcare and raising awareness for causes close to my heart, such as Alzheimer’s and cancer! In the future I intend to go into the field of health informatics, combining my expertise to bring about meaningful advancements in healthcare.

  • Nilasha Krishnamurthy


    3rd year undergraduate majoring in Bioengineering and Data Science, interested in exploring the intersection between health and technology. I am passionate about community involvement, particularly in teaching kids. I hope to increase community engagement and promote health education, fostering a more informed and empathetic society. In the future, I aim to work in the biotech industry and see how we can use data to create novel treatments to biomedical problems.

  • Aman Bains


    3rd year undergraduate majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology & minoring in Human Rights. My passions lie within neurobiology, telemedicine, harm reduction, and equity within healthcare. I am particularly passionate about accessible, inclusive healthcare and education. In the future, I intend to pursue an MD and continue further work towards promoting health equity.

  • Brett Flory


    3rd year undergraduate majoring in Political Science. I love adventures, the outdoors, getting lost, and traveling. Cold weather and rain are never a deterrent, only another part of the story.