
Here's a short description of our current projects.


Volunteering shares an important role of driving forward the mission of FC@B through direct and indirect service. The committee focuses on embedding support, compassion, and practical assistance to all whom we encounter. Our intent is for our actions to always come from a genuine place.

Through forging meaningful partnerships with organizations that share our values, we aim to establish a robust volunteer spirit within our club. Your enthusiasm and dedication are integral to our shared goal of supporting individuals on their cancer journey. Through these collaborative efforts, we seek to create an environment that not only addresses the practical needs of individuals facing a cancer diagnosis but also foster resilience, community and shared strength in our community.

Peer Support Group & Buddy Program

IWe're launching a Zoom-based Peer Support Group for individuals who are admit their diagnosis or are in reamission, and an in person peer support group for loved ones and caregivers for those from the Greater San Francisco Bay Area, primarily geared towards younger folk. Facilitated by a lead and interns, this virtual community aims to foster mutual support, shared experiences, and invaluable connections. It is our goal to create a safe and comfortable space for individuals navigating their cancer journey and be there as a friend.

Complementing our support group is our Buddy Program which will launch later on in the fall term, extending a helping hand to students with cancer on campus and patients in the Bay Area. Whether you're looking for a friend who understands the challenges you're facing or seeking to provide support, our Peer Support Group and Buddy Program are here to ensure that everyone is supported and has a friend they can count on!


Education plans on educating the East Bay through various after school programs and nonprofits by educating elementary-high school students on various health and wellness topics.

But our commitment to learning doesn't stop there. Throughout the semester, committee members and general members will have the opportunity to publish articles on breakthroughs, diagnosis and treatment processes, and any topic of our members choosing. Education is the cornerstone of progress, and together, we can empower our community with the knowledge and understanding needed to stand strong against cancer.


Committed to raising awareness within the Berkeley community, we offer a monthly newsletter packed with valuable insights, academic breakthroughs, and ways for you to actively engage in the battle against cancer. Outreach serves as a connection between the professional sphere and our organization, establishing many of our events with guest speakers, fundraisers, and partnerships.

We aim to channel collective efforts towards supporting non-profits dedicated to cancer research and organizations committed to aiding individuals and families throughout their cancer journey. By rallying community support and organizing diverse fundraising events, we endeavor to generate vital resources that will contribute to breakthroughs in cancer research. Simultaneously, our mission extends to providing essential assistance and services to those navigating the challenges of a cancer diagnosis.